The financial markets of America are in trouble. Banks are over-extended by the mortgage debacle and Wall Street is tanking, as investors pull out their funds to speculate in future commodities. No turn-around is in sight for this year and some less optimistic pundits are accepting this economic downturn will last well into 2009. The common consumer is getting killed at the gas pump and supermarket. Jobs are vanishing without a trace and accordingly there is a lot of finger-pointing to find the person(s) responsible for their predicament.
Politicians are the most popular target for blame-assessment and leading the pack is George W. Bush, whose 2001 tax break benefited the rich at the expense of the poor, however like the rest of Americans the president is unwilling to acknowledge his part in pushing the country to the brink of disaster.
"Wall Street got drunk," declared the president at a recent clandestine fund-raiser for a GOP congressional candidate from Texas. "There's no question about it. Wall Street got drunk and now it's got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments."
As a semi-recovering cocaine abuser and drunk GW knows all about hang-overs and asked the 400 supporters to switch off any recording devices. "I don't know a lot about technology, but I do know about YouTube."
As far as GW Bush is concerned, Wall Street fucked up his carte-blanche on the economy by being to greedy and he's not wrong. They tweaked the financial markets to wring out the maximum amount of profit from the American consumer, who also are less than blameless for re-financing their houses to buy potato chips, HDTVs, SUVs, and crap popcorn to eat while watching shit movies.
No one wants to look in the mirror and point the finger at the biggest fuck-up in the room.
Me, you, and everyone.
This recession didn't happen overnight and like a beer belly it will take more than one week to get rid of it unless you keep drinking beer.
We're all fuck-ups and the sooner we stop blaming this fuck-up on someone else the faster we'll get out of it as long as GW Bush doesn't serve a 3rd term.
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