Cambodia and Thailand have been Buddhist countries for centuries, however underneath the veneer of this religion both countries shared a Hindu heritage whether it be the Sanskrit writing of the Thai language or the ancient history of the Khmer Empire and their claims to the ancient temple dedicated to Shiva at Preah Vihear exemplifies the tenacity of ethnic rivalries through the ages for this confrontation has less to do with boundary disputes than how the Thais regard the Cambodians and vice versa.
Forget the smiling faces.
Both languages utilize as many words for a smile as the Eskimos have for snow.
The Thais are the French of Indochina and suppose themselves superior to their neighbors and this soliptic self-importance is at the heart of this dispute.
Preah Vihear becoming Cambodian is a loss of face for the Thais equal to telling a black American, "Your mother."
It's fighting words and the World Court doesn't care because it doesn't have a dog in this fight, but Thai and Cambodian troops are positioned on Preah Vihear and 14 other disputed territorial areas to defend the borders. The UN has been notified of the increasingly dangerous situation and both governments are prepared to meet on neutral ground to discuss the differing opinions, however it only takes one bullet to start a war in a time of political turmoil, which is what the Thai Democrats hope will happen so they can oust the PPP ruling party.
The Democrats lack of concern for the welfare of their army is another reason why they remained in a political purgatory.
Self-seekers to the bone.
Are 1.8 square miles worth a war.
To them.
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