Nut and I flirted a lot at the Buffalo Bar. She was pretty and liked to drink Heineken. These beers seemed to dismantle her decision process when choosing who to accept as date for the night. She’d go with the fat, short, ugly, and tall. Afterwards saying, “We did nothing.”
It’s not easy working at a short-time bar and one day she announced her retirement. “I’m going to work at a 7/11.”
“Really.” I wondered if they were opening a short-time room for that corporation.
I wished her luck and looked for her at every 7/11 in Pattaya.DDidn’t find her until I stopped into the infamous PP Massage.
Just going there for research mind you.
Entered the establishment. The director pointed out his favorite. She happened to be Nut. Sitting there all pretty and not in a 7/11 outfit. I said, “Right, I’ll take her.”
She explained that the money was better at PP Massage.
“Better than 7/11 too.”
“Better.” She said soaping my back and I believed her too, because there’s no way I’ve ever spend 2000 baht in a 7/11 and felt okay about it afterwards.
For a related story click on this URL
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