The tense stand-off over the ancient Hindu temple on the Thai-Cambodian border has fizzled after the Cambodian elections. Troops have withdrawn from the no man's land and calmer voices are calling for further talks to settle the differences between the two nations over ex-PM Thaksin's parking lot privileges at the World Heritage site. Khun Thaksin is out of the country on a trip to the Olympics, where he will advise the Chinese on how to cut down pollution.
He had no comment on the border settlement.
"This trip is pleasure. Not business."
While the area next to Preah Vihear covers only 4.6 square kilometres the significance of the dispute centers farther to the south in the Gulf of Siam, where the two countries' claims overlap over 27,000 square nautical kilometers.
The Navy has vowed to protect this land the same as it would Isaan or Yala for the exploitation of the natural resources by US Oil Companies by Chevron.
And everyone knows that it's just as easy to fight over oil as it is religion.
Just ask GW Bush.
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